This week's content > The lectures

From 3 to 8 June 2024

Conference programme


Tuesday 4 June, 4.30pm/7.30pm,
Sainte-Marie-de-Campan village hall


4.30 pm to 5.15 pm

Thinking together about the crafts and metallurgical industry in the mountains from the Pyrenees to Mount Lebanon. Exploring the construction of the collective imagination and culture.

  • By Gaspard PAGES, Archaeologist, Research Fellow - CNRS UMR7041 ArScAn - GAMA team - IFPO (FERMPAYR Programme)



Living in the mountains: a comparative approach to the diachronic trajectories of the Pyrenean valleys.

  • By Christine RENDU, Archaeologist, CNRS Research Director, Framespa Laboratory - UMR 5136 - Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University. Terrae team




The geohistory of socio-economic relationships with rivers and wetlands: the case of the Seine estuary.

  • By Sylvain DOURNEL Doctor in geography - planning - environment, Lecturer and researcher at the EA 1210 CEDETE Laboratory (Centre d'Etudes pour le Développement des Territoires et l'Environnement) - University of Orléans.

7.00 pm to 7.45 pm

Reflecting on the relationship between place and memory: a look back at some proposals. How do societies negotiate and renegotiate their relationships with spaces and territories over time?

  • By Nicolas VERDIER, Geographer, Director of Studies at EHESS, Chair: Pratiques de la géohistoire entre raisons géographiques et historicités XVIIIe-XXe siècles - CNRS - UMR 8504 Géographie-cité.


Thursday 6 June, 9am/12.30pm,
Casino, Bagnères-de-Bigorre,



9am/9.45 am

Thermalism today in Bagnères-de-Bigorre: resource management, health safety, geothermal energy and thermal mud.

  • By Romain FOURNEAUX, Engineer, Technical Manager of SEMETHERM - Bagnères-de-Bigorre

9h45/10h30 am


Environmental economics, water economics, risk and uncertainty, and agricultural economics.


  • - By Arnaud REYNAUD, Economist, Director of Research at INRAE (French Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research), Member of the Toulouse School of Economics




10.45 am / 11.30 am

The thermal heritage of Bagnères-de-Bigorre: research and development in the digital environment.

  • By Viviane DELPECH, Art historian, Associate researcher in the identities, Territories, Expression, mobilities (ITEM) Laboratory - Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour


10.45 am/12.30 pm

With the aim of creating a participatory museum collection on environmental change: the case of the Haut-Adour.


  • By Aurelia DESPLAIN, Anthropologist, Project Manager at CESCO (Centre d'Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation) - UMR 7204. Participatory science programme ‘Histoires de nature’, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris / Museum für Naturkunde de Berlin


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