The Haut Adour workshop is stage 3 of the "From data to open-access geohistorical platforms" workshop-meetings.

During an intensive week of practice and reflection, this workshop will explore different aspects of geo-historical data, its processing and distribution in the digital context of open and participatory science, approaching questions from the angle of a structuring object: water and the digital readings that can be made of it.


The workshop will take place from June 3 to 8, 2024, in the communes of Bagnères-de-Bigorre and Campan in the Hautes-Pyrénées, 20 km south of Tarbes (France). Registration are open from March 18 to April 30, 2024.

This exercise combining know-how and reflexive dimension will be carried out in the context of the issues facing our workshop location, the Haut-Adour (Haute-Pyrénées), around a structuring object: water and the gravitational devices associated with it.

The question of water, in all its complexity (network, location, variation over time, cycles, terrain, documentation, environmental, social and cultural contexts...) has the advantage of covering many aspects of our questions and practices.

This workshop is organized on the joint initiative of the IR* Huma-Num Projects Time Machine consortium (Cst PTM), the Observatoire pour l'Archéologie et le Patrimoine en Haute-Bigorre (OAPHB), the Dynamiques Patrimoniales et Culturelles laboratory (DYPAC), the UMR ArScAn (ArchéoFab program), the UMR Géographie cité, the MSH Mondes (Nanterre), the EHESS geomatics platform, UMR 7266 LIttoral ENvironnement et Sociétés (LIENSs), the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), CRIHAM, the Groupe de Travail Systèmes de Peuplement dans le Temps Long (SPTL) of Labex Dynamite, MSH Mondes de Nanterre and the Fabrique Numérique du Passé (FNP) project.

It is supported by the Observatoire du Pic du Midi Pyrénées (OPM), the Club Alpin Français section Bagnères, the Rigoles de Gaye association, the Pierre des Esclozes association, the Sentiers de Campans association, the La Grange Foraine du Hourcq association and the SEMETHERM company of Bagnères-de Bigorre, The Ramond society de Bagnères-de Bigorre and the Carrefour des patrimoines de Campan.





Create with an articial intelligence





  • Website opens on March 15
  • Registration opens on March 18
  • Registration closes : April 31st
  • Workshop starts: June 03



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