The sites in detail > Bédat de Bagneres-de-Bigorre

Bédat de Bagnères-de-Bigorre
Site coordinator: Richard SABATIER / OAPHB

The sector is part of a large 244-hectare spa park classified in 2007 by the DREAL as having thermal history and picturesque character. 2/3 of its surface area is communal land, with the remaining 1/3 divided between small rural holdings and pleasure estates.
Its perimeter corresponds to the catchment area of the thermo-mineral resource that supplies the spa. Several sinkholes lead rainwater down a deep slope[1].
We will focus here on the communal section.

Resurgence of Aygo Tebio and Thermes de Salut
- Objects: Aygo Tebio exsurgence, Vauclusian exsurgence, Montagne spring with biogleys, former Arrière and Intérieur springs, upper talweg drains, spa esplanade.
- Issues: management of the Vauclusian spring, management of flooding in the town centre, management of thermo-mineral springs, different states of the baths and their drains, conflicts between hydraulic development and landscaping of the stream.
- Documents : Land register 1768, Napoleonic cadastre, thematic topographic maps, abundant iconography, municipal archives, BRGM studies, Jussieu geoprospecting - Camerlynck team, LiDAR. Geophysical prospecting in Rapport d'activités 2020 OAPHB, pages 123 to 146. Spring laboratory / Season 2 in Rapport d'activités 2022 OAPHB, Annexe 2: Le site de la hount det Mayo, report pages 114 to 124; Trois sources sous le Monné, report pages 125 to 145.

Fountain and Grotte des Fées
- Objects: A spring and its loss in a sinkhole, earthworks, a fountain with a sweating wall, a bench and its vanished panorama, a vanished tree nursery, a sketched arboretum, dead wood, abandoned trees and stumps.
- Issues: Afforesting a mountain pasture, planting it with mixed woodland by an association, discreetly creating a nature theatre, current management of the communal woodland.
- Documents : Communal land that can be informed by the terrier and the Napoleonic cadastre, collections and articles from the Société Ramond, research into old maps and plans, topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite images, rare iconography, LiDAR. Laboratoire des sources / Season 1 in Rapport d'activités 2021 OAPHB, Annexe 2 : Comptes-rendus des 9 sessions du Laboratoire des sources 2021, pages 162 à 200.

Col du Bédat and Ets Tailhets
- Subjects: Orée du bois du Bédat, panorama of the Elysée Cottin valley, series of three sinkholes linked to thermal hydrogeology, front of the Saraméa quarry.
- Issues: Corridor of Atlantic winds and the blowing down of trees by storms, hydrogeological functioning of the resort's thermo-mineral resource, conflicts between the thermal water catchment area and the operation of an aggregate extraction quarry.
- Documents : Communal land that can be informed by the terrier and the Napoleonic cadastre, research into old maps and plans, topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite images, rare iconography, LiDAR, etc.

Ferruginous fountain
- Objects: A neoclassical refreshment bar perched on a slope associated with a lowland housing estate. The building was demolished in the 1960s and the site was reconstructed, retaining the fountain in the back wall of the former factory.
- Issues: Optical capture of the landscape / Profound transformation of the landscape from 18280 to the present day through afforestation of the slopes. The afforestation has blocked out the view taken here in the form of successive panoramas captured from the same vantage point (light camera then darkroom). This fountain is part of another panorama taken from the château de l'Angle de Pouzac (pinhole camera) on the other side of the valley.
- Documents : Communal land that can be informed by the land register and the Napoleonic cadastre, research into old maps and plans, but panoramic iconography placing the fountain in its panorama before the afforestation of the small mountain (1828 and 1850 - camera obscura, 1880 - photograph) - topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite images, abundant iconography, LiDAR.

Rieunel farm and valley
- Objects: Farm including a dwelling and a barn equipped with a washhouse, abandoned irrigations, closed communal passages, abandoned schist quarries, doubling of the path and displacement of a spring, solifluction, ruined talweg.
- Issues: Closure of the grazing paths between the land and the summer pastures, abandonment of the irrigations and consequent disorder, relationship between the thermal walk and the rural establishment (dairy? or inn?), new carriage road and relocation of a spring.
- Documents : Land register 1768, Napoleonic cadastre, topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite images, iconography, LiDAR.

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