The contributors > The organising committee

The school, co-constructed by the Huma-Num Project TIme Machine Consortium and the OAPHB, is steered by an organising committee made up of representatives from the various partner institutions:

VERDIER Nicolas, Geographer, CNRS Research Director, Director of Studies at EHESS, Chair: Pratiques de la géohistoire entre raisons géographiques et historicités XVIIIe-XXe siècles - CNRS - UMR 8504 Géographie-cité.

SABATIER Richard, Architect, President of the OAPHB

DESPLAIN Aurélia, Anthropologist, Project Manager at CESCO (Centre d'Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation) - UMR 7204. Participatory science programme ‘Histoires de nature’, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris / Museum für Naturkunde de Berlin

COSTA Laurent is an archaeologist and CNRS research engineer at UMR 7041 Archaeologies and Sciences of Antiquity. He is deputy director of this unit and coordinates the Time Machine Project Consortium.

PINOL Jean-Luc is a historian, professor emeritus of urban history and digital humanities at the ENS in Lyon, a member of the LARHRA, UMR CNRS 5190 and coordinator of the Time Machine Project Consortium.

CERBELAUD Fabien is a research engineer in geographic information science at the Research Engineering Department of the SHS Research Institute at the University of Limoges. He is a member of the GEOLAB (UMR 6042) and CRIHAM (UR 15507) teams and the Time Machine Project Consortium.

CROUZEVIALLE Rémi is a research engineer and head of the Research Engineering department at the Institut de Recherche SHS at the University of Limoges. He is a member of the GEOLAB (UMR 6042) and CRIHAM (UR 15507) teams and of the Time Machine Project Consortium.

GLASSON DESCHAUMES Ghislaine, Research Engineer at the University of Paris Nanterre, is Director of the MSH Mondes in Nanterre. She coordinates the Les passés dans le présent research group.

GHERDEVICH Davide is a historian and research engineer at the Dynamiques patrimoniales et culturelles (DYPAC) laboratory at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines - Paris Saclay. He is co-sponsor of the HUMA 3D and Dlab SHS projects and a member of the Time Machine Project Consortium.

MERMET Éric is a CNRS research engineer in scientific computing and a geomatician at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE). He was head of the geomatics unit at EHESS and now runs a computing platform at TSE and is a member of the Time Machine Project Consortium.

NOIZET Hélène is a historian and HDR lecturer in medieval history at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is attached to the Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris (LAMOP, UMR 8589). She coordinates the Alpage project, which is building geohistorical reference data on medieval and modern Paris, and is a member of the Time Machine Project Consortium.

POUGET Frédéric is a geographer and lecturer at the University of La Rochelle. He is responsible for the Geographic Information Systems Professional Degree at the University of La Rochelle and is a member of UMR 7266 - LIttoral ENvironnement et Sociétés (LIENSs) and a member of the Time Machine Project Consortium.

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